Welcome to WoolClip


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Login: Use Login if you are a Wool Classer or have previously created an Account. Use this option also if you are re-registering as a Wool Classer.
Create Account: Use this option if you want to set up a new WoolClip user Account (e.g. wool grower, wool presser). Do not use this option if you are a registered Wool Classer.

Wool Classer Re-registration. Click here if you need help.

Download the Wool Clip app:

Fast forwarding wool’s future

Support statement

From in-shed to the end of the wool pipeline, WoolClip app & web keeps you way ahead of the mob. It’s the fast, free, fully mobile way to specify, complete the NWD, follow the BaleTrail, and be RFID ready.

Welcome to WoolClip – Fast forwarding wool’s future.

With WoolClip you can:

  1. Manage each Job,
  2. Have collaboration between the Classer/Owner/Manager online,
  3. Create a Wool Book,
  4. Add and scan Bales,
  5. Create a Speci,
  6. Create Mobs,
  7. Complete the NWD,
  8. Follow your wool along the BaleTrail